Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Loyal Love Pets is responsible for the processing of all personal data provided, ensuring visitors to the website respect for their privacy. This website is designed so that the collection and use of your personal data do not exceed the original purpose for which they were collected.

This Privacy Policy regulates the collection and processing of personal data provided by users, as well as the exercise of their rights concerning this data, in accordance with the current Personal Data Protection Law (namely Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27).

Processing and Purpose of Personal Data Your personal data will be collected and processed by Loyal Love Pets strictly for the following purposes:

Order processing; Communication with customers and clarification of doubts; The Loyal Love Pets website has a chat where users can ask questions and clarify their doubts about Loyal Love Pets services. If users provide personal data to Loyal Love Pets through this chat, it will not be used for any purpose other than what is requested by the user.

Rights of Personal Data Subjects Loyal Love Pets  ensures to the user, the subject of personal data, their rights to information, access, rectification, opposition, and deletion of their data.

If the user wishes, at any time, to access, change, or delete any personal information from the Loyal Love Pets  database, they can exercise this right by contacting the company or directly the data controller through the following means:


By using our website, you (the visitor) agree to allow third parties to process your IP address, in order to determine your location for the purpose of currency conversion. You also agree to have that currency stored in a session cookie in your browser (a temporary cookie which gets automatically removed when you close your browser). We do this in order for the selected currency to remain selected and consistent when browsing our website so that the prices can convert to your (the visitor) local currency.

Embedded Content from Other Websites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g., videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves as if the user visited those sites.

Cookies are files that are stored on your computer to simplify navigation on a website. These cookies are used to enable, improve, and facilitate the use of the website. Cookies only retain information related to your preferences, without storing or revealing personal data.

By using our site, you consent to the use of cookies. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can always disable cookies through your browsing software. Disabling cookies may limit the use of the site and prevent access to some of the functions mentioned above. Therefore, we recommend that you do not disable cookies, as they allow the proper use of our online store.

For what purposes do we use cookies?

Strictly necessary cookies – Allow navigation on the website and proper functioning of the online store. Without these cookies, the required services cannot be provided.

Analytical cookies – Used anonymously for the creation and analysis of statistics to improve the website's operation.

For more information about cookies and how to disable them, you can refer to